Welcome to the Tiger Creative website!

Welcome to our new website! We’re super excited to officially launch the new Tiger Creative website and brand. This has been quite some time in the making, but we’re excited to finally share our site and story with the world. Tiger Creative is a full-service creative agency for healthy lifestyle brands. How we got here is pretty interesting, at least we think so. There are a lot of things that have happened to get us to where we are today. I’ll spare you MOST of the details, but I do want to share a few.

Photography started it all.

I started my self-employment career as a photographer. I love photography. Photography is the reason this creative agency exists. Most creative agency’s start as web design or development agencies, sometimes design studios, but not us. Photography is what started it all. Early in my photography career I started a ministry called Go Photo Ministries. Some of you may remember that name. We offered photo and video services to Christian ministries and non-profits. After the first couple of trips we quickly realized that we needed to offer more than just photo and video content to the ministries we were working with and serving. The problem? Well, ministries were busy doing ministry and when we brought them great photo and video content, they didn’t know what to do with that content. So, we turned Go Photo Ministries into a creative agency called, Reliant Creative. Reliant Creative is a full-service creative agency for gospel-centered ministries.

As soon as we made the leap over to a creative agency, things changed. The work we were doing for the ministries we were working with was actually making a significant difference in their growth and reach. Our photography and videography was powerful because it was driven and informed by strategy and strong execution. The ministries were able to focus on running their ministries, while we helped with the storytelling elements. At the same time I started realizing that I had a passion for more than just photography. I had a passion for developing brands through this grander form of storytelling. Photography was still a huge element to what we were doing, but it was only a piece to a much larger puzzle. With the success of Reliant Creative I had the realization that I wanted to do the same thing within the commercial sector. So, we started work on building another creative agency.

The Creative Agency for Lifestyle Brands.

As soon as work began on the new agency we ran up against a problem. The creative agency space is incredibly saturated, especially with agency’s that are “full service.” So, our solution was to differentiate. Now, that’s a lot harder than it sounds. In business, the temptation is to be “all things to all people.” We didn’t want to differentiate on a horizontal by saying we were better at any given technology than our competition. Technologies are constantly changing and we didn’t want to tie our hands. So, we decided to differentiate on a vertical, lifestyle brands. And that’s where we find ourselves today. Tiger Creative is the creative agency for lifestyle brands.
